Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Since Nov 17th, I have had 21 BEP chemo treatments, I have had 9 doctor visits, I have had no less than 10 nose bleeds, I've been nauseous and tired many days, and I've thrown up only two days. I must say, it could have been worse. When in treatment, there is dedication to the treatments and overall health beyond what most may expect. It is the priority and "this" has been my full time job since Nov.

During this time, I have received 12 meals from kind selfless souls. This has taken a HUGE burden from me and my family and we are very thankful. Thank you to my Mom's group, neighbors and friends for taking time away from your family to support mine!

I have gotten dozens of e-mails, facebook posts, and Mom's group message board posts to check on me and to cheer me on. This is fuel for my soul.

Since I started treatment, I have continued to I put my son to bed each night and I bathed him. I did most of the grocery shopping. I hosted both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. I went to two holiday parties. I went to see the West Side Story and I worked 55 hours. I drove myself to and from all my treatments and drs appts except the first one. I bring up these items because if you ever go through chemo I want you to know life does not stop, you can go through "this" and still maintain some sort of normalcy. I may not have been operating at 100%, but dammit I tried!

Even though I'm done and I'm feeling slightly better and damn happy right now, I'm not out the woods yet so to speak. My blood levels are near critical level so I have to be careful with my nosebleeds and my anemia over the next week or so cuz I don't want another transfusion or to be hospitalized. I'm told my levels will continue to drop until about Friday as a side affect of the chemo and then start to rebound slowly.

My biggest supporter has been my husband. THANK YOU for standing by me, encouraging me, and looking at me no different than you did that first date night when we first met at the Greene Turtle! You are truly a great father, partner, friend and the love of my life!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Head Humor

I got showered, dressed, put make up on and when I went to put on my wig, I couldn't find it. PANIC... what to do... I searched for a little bit, but never found it. Luckily, I had another to wear. The whole time I was out I kept thinking where did I take that darn thing off.... I figured I'd find it tucked in between the cushions in the sofa or on a shelf in the pantry. Everyone else believed Fletcher had it -- maybe a new nest for one of his stuffed animals. Well, a day later I found it inside my shirt! DUH.... Made me laugh at myself....

My husband has an affection for my bald head. He kisses it and rubs it. It has led to a new nickname -- "Prickles" cuz of the stubble I have. Each morning is started with "How is Prickles today?" Makes me smile...

I guess things could be worse...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My sister, Jeana, surprised me by visiting me during my last full day of treatment on Friday. She brought me flowers and balloons to celebrate the milestone. I must admit it made me misty and made me think of our mother. In a sense, like magic, I've gotten through "this" and I swear it is her (my mother, my angel) keeping careful watch over me and my sisters.

I still have one chemo treatment left (next Tuesday), but since I finished my last full week on Friday, there's been a sense of "calm" that's come over our household. I guess the knowing the bulk of the treatments are done and a sense of "we can deal with just about anything at this point" eases one's mind. Fletcher's happy, Daddy's happy, Mommy's happy -- everyone is happy...

My Mom's Group, continues to bless our family with meals. My husband is going to be so disappointed when the meals stop arriving. These are "his" meals and he plans his week around them. His belt has gone up a size, too.:-) We love the variety and the introduction to new options. I didn't realize how boring and routine my cooking had become. This and watching loads of the Food Network makes me want to improve my cooking skills.

My husband promised me a vacation and a wardrobe after my treatments. The vacation is set. We are taking a 7 day cruise from New Orleans where we will visit cities in Belize, Mexico, and Guatemala and in March I'm tagging along with Chris on a business trip to England. I am excited. Although I'd love a new wardrobe, it probably isn't necessary. Maybe a few pieces for my trips...

While no thanks is necessary (according to the "rules"), I am planning to host a brunch at my home after my cruise for all the women who have supported me -- the power of PINK. I'd like to personally thank everyone and to meet the selfless souls who took time away from their own families to support mine -- many of them I have never meet. The brunch is to celebrate with my Mom's Group, my friends, and family and will probably be in March.

I'm looking forward to getting off the sidelines of my own life and to getting back in the game. My goal in the next week is is start walking so that I can start to rebuild my stamina. I'll also start back to my client work. My new boss has been so patient and compassionate with me. I've been able to work off and on throughout my treatment because of him. And, of course, there are the forever looming house projects that I will need to do like: custom closet organizer for our master, clear out Fletcher's baby stuff since I know I'm not going to have another baby and get a chandelier for our dining room tops my list.